Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Forgotten Poem

      Last night in my dream, there was a poem that I really liked. In my dream I was not the one who wrote it, it was in a book I was reading. When I woke up, I realized that I was the one who created it since it was in my dream. I am certain that I have never read a poem like that before. It also had to do with the dream I was dreaming, so I know it is mine, but as soon as I woke up it began fading quickly. Since it was the middle of the night, I couldn't write it down, and now I only remeber some parts about it. I remember one of the lines (almost all of the exact words), I remember what it was about, I remeber that it was not a rhyming poem, and I remember the title. It was called "The Secret", but it didn't have really have to do with a secret. The person in the pom was calling herself a secret. I thimk it is pretty funny that I had it in my dream, already with good line breaks and rhythm without having to think about it. I just read it, like someone else had already written it. When I am awake and thinking about it, i cannot write poems nearly as well. 

     My mom took some pictures of me recently. Here they are:


  1. that is really pretty you look amazing

  2. I LOVE the first pic! You look so pretty with your purple shirt and the purple flowers behind you <3

  3. the first pic that is on the very top is my

  4. You look gorgeous! I like the second picture best!

  5. My favorite picture is the top pic


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