Friday, May 15, 2015

Imperfections are not Beautiful

       Imperfections are not beautiful. But do you know what is beautiful? Truth. And the truth is that we are imperfect. 

        Sad things are not good, and yet, contrast is a tool used my many types of artists. When a sad thing is put next to a happy one... it makes the whole better in general.

       The Fall of Man was not good or beautiful. And yet what happened because of it was much greater and more beautiful than what would have happened had they not fallen.

         More on this eventually.



Saturday, July 21, 2012















I saw this on the blog The First Lime. It is basically a bunch of my dreams, sort of like a bucket list, but without the death factor. Most of them are small, some of them are medium. I didn't include anything very big or obvious (like getting to Heaven) or anything personal like... well I guess I can't give an example because it's, you know, personal. 

        Well, here it goes... 


    -Become a published writer before I finish high school

    - Use chalk pastels on my hair  

    - Wear goggles as a necklace in public 

    - Make the Covenant of Love                                     

    - Know at least four languages                                                                                   

- Get 100 blog followers (and more later on!)                                                           

   - Collect 25 scarves                                                                                                  

-Collect 25 keys                                                                                                    

 - Collect 25 ribbons                                                                                                 

- Collect 15 berets                                                                                                   


 - Go foraging for a day   

- Eat foraged plants the next day     

                                                                                                                                                 - Make up my own language 

- Start a chain email 

- Sew my dress for one of the graduation dances 

- Write in the middle of Etter Lake

- Open an Etsy account

  - Make the top 100 for NACLO before I finish high school

  - Wear an arm party  


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I thought I should let you all know

                       That I am stopping my book.

          There have been several times in the past when I have thought about quitting it, but of course I couldn't do that. However, this time it is different. It's not that it is too impossible or anything. This is the reason...

                      I started my book over a year ago. 

             In the past year I have changed so much. I am not into the same things as before. Also, I am NOT in a good relationship with my main character. 

               Once I had a dream that she was an evil villian...

                                                                                    not good.

                  Back when I started, I guess I must have unconsiously made Rediviva how I wished I was. Well, in the past year, I have sort of become her, in which case, she is now more of a rival than a leader to me.


                I think I might do National Novel Writing Month this year, but until then, I will be working on a memoir.

                   Maybe one day I will even be inspired about my old book again. Who knows?

                         Here's some randomness to finish off this post.


Thursday, June 28, 2012

"French" Curls


       These curls really have nothing to do with anything French. I named them "French" curls because the way the hair is wrapped around the curling iron is similar to making a french twist.


           Unlike most hair textures, you are not going to be seperating the top from the bottom. Vertically section off some hair from in front of the ear.


           Start at the top, wrapping a small piece once around the barrel. Wrap away from the face.


Pick up another piece and combine it with the hair you just wrapped around. (It's sort of like making a French Twist around the curling iron.)

                            Wrap both piecese around the barrel exactly how you did before. Repeat all the way to the end of the curling iron.


                              When you use up all of the hair, just slide the coils off the barrel. Do this in verticle sections all around the head. At first the curls might look something like this...


                I know, these look just a leetle bit scary, which is why you should seperate them after they have cooled for approximately ten minutes.


                      I love the casual, laid-back way this texture looks. Can you spy Frog Prince in the backround?  Here are a few more pictures of the finished look. 

                                                               And the front... 

                 (Plus a few goofy faces from Red Riding Hood.) 


                  Hope you enjoy,


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