Sunday, October 9, 2011

Tips for Growing out Hair

       I told my cousin that I would post some tips for growing out hair on my blog. Some of these are basic and pretty necessary, while others are just extras for if you happen to be able to do them.
To make your hair grow faster, you have to avoid split ends and too much static and friction.


- Use conditioner.
-Avoid using any heat appliances on your hair (ex. straighteners, curling irons, blow dryers, very hot water.)
- If you are going to use heat, make sure to spray heat protectant on your hair beforehand.
-When hair is wet, detangle with a wide-tooth comb.
-Do not rub hair with a towel, pat dry instead.
-Trim hair often.
-Make sure, in every way possible that hair does not get dry.

Crazy, Only if You Happen to Have the Time and Materials Tips  

-Only use a wide-tooth comb to detangle hair (even when dry).
-Sleep with a satin or silk pillowcase (I know, this one's insane.)
- I read in a book that an infusion of rosemary poured over the hair can help stimulate hair growth. The book seemed pretty old, so I don't know how reliable this is, but it's worth a try. If you don't know what an infusion is, it is kind of like tea. To make it, put rosemary in a container and pour hot water on it. Cover the container with something so that the steam doesn't escape. After the water has been infused with rosemary and is thouroughly cooled, you can pour it through your hair. Put a nother container underneath to catch the infusion, so that you can recycle the infusion multiple times.
-Use T-shirt material to dry hair instead of a towel.

   I found a lot of these at Tell me if there are any I forgot.  Keep in mind that some hair id easier to grow longer than others; think, straight hair gets less split ends than fine, curly hair.

1 comment:

  1. Cool. I never knew that? I'll keep this in mind! :)


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