You will need:
Food coloring (later we used frosting dye which worked much better, but if you have blond hair, food coloring will be fine.)
A holding hair product (in this case, spray gel.)
Water (I'm hoping you can find some of that.)
A spray bottle
Put a little bit of water into it. This is probably a good amount if you want to do your entire head, and happen to have a lot of dye on hand.
Add some of your product. This tutorial has no specific amounts, but you really don't want to overdo this part. Maybe about five drops, and when I say drops, I do NOT mean anything bigger than a drop. For instance, not a "stream", a drop. I feel like I am writing in a weird voice right now. Oh well, whatever.
Now put in a lot of dye. Mix colors to get the shade you want. I used up all of my dye, and it still wasn't enough for this amount of water, so keep that in mind when figuring out amounts.
Shake it up, and spray!
P.S. It might help to put the dye in first.