Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Fun Little Quiz


            Since I'm homeschooled, yesterday I didn't even know that it was Wednesday. This happens to me ALL the time.

           Therefore, our Writing Wednesday this week is coming a little late.

           A few weeks ago I made this quiz to see which character in my book you are most like.

            You will get the best experience out of it if you read what little of my book I have already written.  Here it is!!!

              1.  Your new dress is...
                    a. Red, simple, practical, and authoritative
                    b. Crazy with some unmatching colors, daring, creative, and expressive
                    c. Sophisticated, elegant, and expensive
                    d. flowing and watery, girly yet mysterious.
                    e.  silver or white, long beautiful, almost elven

              2.  A giant sea monster is attacking your ship. You...
                   a. Act quickly, shout orders to everyone, and go straight for the kill
                   b. make loud noises and fight in an emotional frenzy
                   c. Try to stay out of it... you're too lady-like for bloody work
                   d. Use your special talent in combat
                   e. Try to fight bravely, despite your petrifying fears

              3.  What do you do in your free time?
                   a. Plan, plan, plan
                   b. tell stories to my friends, show off, and make statements
                   c.  sing, play instruments, socialize politely, make evil plans... hehehe (don't tell anyone)
                   d. Hang out with friends, feel homesick, and SWIM!!!!!!!!!!
                   e. lock myself up in my room/cabin all day and write 24/7

             4.  Someone violated a ship law. You...
                  a. Take control and demand to know who did it.
                  b. Watch people to see who looks guilty.
                  c.  Try to hide your guilt.
                  d. Are shocked and disappointed that one of your friends would do such a thing.
                  e. Admonish your guilty sister in French, but do not give her away.

           5. Which colors do you like the best?
               a. red and brown
               b. Really BRIGHT colors!!
               c. Cream
               d. blue, sea green, deep red-ish pink
               e. silver 

             6.  In a typical battle, you...
                  a. are in charge and are also a warrior. You make all the battle plans.
                  b. are a warrior and give pep talks
                  c. are the singer (weird I know. You'll understand it when you read the book.)
                  d. do an unusual type of work that no one else can do
                  e. take care of wounded people  

             7. Your talents are...
                 a. You are moderately good at everything. You are a good leader.
                 b. good at acting, and everything else depends on your mood.
                 c. Musical, musical, musical.
                 d. Swimming
                 e. spelling, writing, vocabulary, literature, linguistics, reading, and basically anyhting else that has to do with language.

              8. Socially you are...
                  a. Dominant, but also popular
                  b. Loud and all over the place, showy, and a little weird.
                  c. refined and polite.
                  d. girly, mysterious. You playfullay tease A LOT.
                  e. reserved and quiet

         9. You wear your hair...
             a. down and windblown- I never do my hair.
             b. In all sorts of crazy styles. It depends on what mood I'm in.
             c. Up in a high bun
             d. mostly down and wavy with some accents and stuff
             e. half up in a bun, with a headband braid with willow branches woven through it.

           10. One of your friends just dared you to do something dangerous. You...
                 a. Look before you leap.
                 b. do it bravely and let everyone know about it. 
                 c. refuse politely
                 d. try to talk you way out of it, but in the end, give in
                 e. Try it secretly when no one is looking.

           11. Your best friend is...
                 a. Liatra
                 b. Wysteriel- I can talk to her about things others wouldn't understand.
                 c. I have a lot of freinds, but none of them are close enough to be "best"
                 d. Rediviva
                 e. Anima             

        Ok, I do have these long descriptions for each of the results, but I am seriously running out of time, so I am just going to post the answers without any explanations. If you want them, and you know me, you can ask me to bring my notebook to the next place I see you. If you want them, and you don't know me, I don't really have a solution. I guess you're out of luck.

       Mostly a's= Rediviva (I haven't made up her surname yet.)

       Mostly b's= Anima Thespian

       Mostly c's= Faerella Ketyth

      Mostly d's= Laciniatra, Daughter of the Old Fisherman
        Mostly e's= Wysteriel Ketyth


            I think I am most like Liatra, and also a lot like Anima. Tell us who you are like in the comments!

         I'm going to put at least one picture on every post from now on. So even thought this isn't realated...


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